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12 Mar 2025

Tag: Theology


Do Muslims Believe in the Same God as Christianity?

Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic religions, which means that they both believe in one God. The name of the god of Islam is Allah, and the God of Christianity has revealed Himself as “I AM.” Christianity believes that I AM is the unique, all-powerful,…


Is Heaven a Real Place?

The word “heaven” appears almost 500 times in the English Standard Version of the Bible (492 times to be exact). Sometimes, it is used as a synonym for sky. Sometimes, it is used to describe the place where God resides. And sometimes, it is used…


If God is in Control, Then Why Do We Have to Pray?

As Christians, we believe that God is sovereign, that He has control over everything that happens. Not even a sparrow may fall to the ground without His permission (Matthew 10:29). His sovereign plan for the entire universe was laid out before the beginning of time,…