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12 Mar 2025

Tag: Christian Books App


Why Do Christians Say “Amen”?

Several verses in the Bible command Christians to pray. Matthew 6:5-8 instructs Christians to pray unhypocritically and without any ulterior motives. First Thessalonians 5:16-18 commands us to pray constantly and with thanksgiving in all situations. Jesus modeled for us the appropriate way to pray in…


Is Heaven a Real Place?

The word “heaven” appears almost 500 times in the English Standard Version of the Bible (492 times to be exact). Sometimes, it is used as a synonym for sky. Sometimes, it is used to describe the place where God resides. And sometimes, it is used…


What Is a Good Morning Routine for Christian Women?

Some women hear their alarm go off and hop out of bed right away, ready to face the day. Other women hit the snooze button five or six times before dragging themselves out of bed. As a Christian woman, your morning routine might look different…