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12 Mar 2025

Tag: Christian book summaries


Who Wrote the Bible?

The Bible was written over a span of more than 1,500 years on three continents by more than 40 authors who were directed by God to record His Word. Thus, the Bible has both human and divine authorship. Second Peter 1:20-21 makes it clear “that…


How to Share the Gospel with Co-Workers

Sometimes, work can be a lonely place, especially for Christians. We may be the only source of Light that our co-workers ever see, and we desire for them all to come to Jesus for salvation. But we struggle to know how to bring up spiritual…


What Does the Bible Say About Anxiety?

Life is demanding. And it seems like there is pressure everywhere we turn. We have deadlines at work, relational stresses, and financial strains. We struggle with our health, and we have so many commitments to balance. We have no free time, we worry that we…