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12 Mar 2025

Tag: Bible


What Is Christian Nationalism?

Christian nationalism is an ideology in the political sphere that binds together Christianity with American identity. But Christian nationalism means different things for different people. In general, there are two broad points of view for defining Christian nationalism:      1. The responsibility of every…


What Is a Good Morning Routine for Christian Women?

Some women hear their alarm go off and hop out of bed right away, ready to face the day. Other women hit the snooze button five or six times before dragging themselves out of bed. As a Christian woman, your morning routine might look different…


Why do Christians Feel Lonely?

We are living in the middle of a loneliness epidemic. Christians in the West have long since lived in a culture of individualism, which is the breeding ground for loneliness. But with the digital socialization trends of the past couple of decades and the recent…


Can Christians Celebrate Halloween?

The question of whether or not to celebrate Halloween is a matter of personal conviction rather than a clear biblical command. Many Christians believe it is okay to celebrate Halloween. And many Christians believe it is not okay to celebrate Halloween. Both arguments make valid…


Why Do Christians Worship on Sunday?

In the Old Testament, the people of God recognized Saturday as the holy day of rest. From sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday, God’s followers refrained from working. Their express intent was to follow the example of God Himself, who created for six days…


Can Christians Marry Non-Christians?

In the modern West, we don’t often approach dating with marriage in mind. Christians and non-Christians alike often date purely because of a mutually felt chemistry or physical attraction. Christians might meet non-Christians who are sweet, kind, and hard-working. They might even live morally good…

Bible Study

Options for Bible-Reading Plans

Reading the Bible is a part of growing in maturity as a believer. But sometimes, it is overwhelming deciding where to start. We might commit to reading the Bible cover to cover, but by the time we get to Leviticus, we lose steam. Or maybe…


How to Share the Gospel with Co-Workers

Sometimes, work can be a lonely place, especially for Christians. We may be the only source of Light that our co-workers ever see, and we desire for them all to come to Jesus for salvation. But we struggle to know how to bring up spiritual…


How to Find a Good Church

Finding a good local church is an important part of the Christian life. The local church body provides fellowship, accountability, growth, and encouragement. But with so many churches to choose from, it can easily become an overwhelming task. We shouldn’t let the fact that it…


Tips for Doing Daily Devotionals

We as Christians know that we are supposed to read our Bibles, but it is often hard to know exactly how to do that. We feel overwhelmed, and we struggle to understand exactly how the characters and events from thousands of years ago apply to…