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12 Mar 2025

Tag: Bible

God's existence

How do We Know that God Exists?

In the modern world, it is often hard to know what is true. Many people claim that truth is completely relative and that every individual determines what is true for themselves. But the question of the existence of God cannot be relative. He either exists…


Do Christians Believe in Evolution?

Francis Bacon once wisely said, “God has, in fact, written two books, not just one. Of course, we are all familiar with the first book he wrote, namely Scripture. But He has written a second book called creation.” The Christian community is divided on the…


Do Christians Believe in Dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs are a topic of much fascination for kids and adults alike. It is fun to imagine their sizes and colors and what it would have been like to see them walk on the earth. Kids have dinosaur birthday parties and adults watch dinosaur movies….


Why Do Christians Say “Amen”?

Several verses in the Bible command Christians to pray. Matthew 6:5-8 instructs Christians to pray unhypocritically and without any ulterior motives. First Thessalonians 5:16-18 commands us to pray constantly and with thanksgiving in all situations. Jesus modeled for us the appropriate way to pray in…


Is Heaven a Real Place?

The word “heaven” appears almost 500 times in the English Standard Version of the Bible (492 times to be exact). Sometimes, it is used as a synonym for sky. Sometimes, it is used to describe the place where God resides. And sometimes, it is used…


Are Christians Allowed to Smoke?

According to an article called “Smoking” by Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser that was updated in 2022 by Our World In Data from the University of Oxford, nearly a quarter of the world’s population smokes tobacco. This is a significant number of smokers. But while…


Does the Bible Approve of Slavery?

The Bible neither expressly approves nor condemns the practice of slavery, and many people wonder why this is the case. Slaveholders in the past misused the Bible to justify the trans-Atlantic slave trade. And they appealed to several verses in the Bible to excuse away…


What Does Christianity Teach About Environmentalism?

Christians have varying interpretations of biblical passages that address the relationship between people and the environment. But there are several points that Christians as a whole agree on, and there are some general biblical themes that should guide Christians in their actions and attitudes regarding…


How Can I Know I Am a Christian?

The Bible teaches in John 14:6 that Jesus is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” He alone provides salvation, and believing in Him is the only path to heaven. Being a Christian means being a Christ follower. But how can we know that we…


How to Forgive Someone Who Did You Wrong

When someone does us wrong, we feel hurt, angry, and betrayed. But as Christians, we know that we are called to “forgive those who trespass against us” (Matthew 6:12). And just a couple of verses later we learn that “if we do not forgive others,…