The word “heaven” appears almost 500 times in the English Standard Version of the Bible (492 times to be exact). Sometimes, it is used as a synonym for sky. Sometimes, it is used to describe the place where God resides. And sometimes, it is used to refer to the place where believers go when they die. But how do we know that we don’t simply cease to exist when we die? Is heaven a real place?
Many scientists in the modern world argue that we as humans are purely material beings. They believe that death is the end. But the Bible as God’s revelation to us presents a different picture. In the Bible, we see that heaven is a real place and that death is not the end. Here is a list of 10 ways the Bible describes heaven that demonstrate that it is indeed a real place:
1. We are promised a great reward in heaven (Matthew 5:12).
This life is full of suffering, persecution, strife, and all kinds of evil. But Jesus has instructed us to rejoice when we experience hardship as a result of our faith because we have a great heavenly reward when we persevere. The reward does not come in this life, but rather, it comes after we die. We couldn’t receive this reward if heaven weren’t a real place. But since heaven is a real place, we take comfort in our heavenly reward when we experience earthly suffering.
2. Heaven is a place we will enter (Matthew 5:20, 7:21, 18:3, 19:23).
We can’t enter a place that doesn’t exist, so the fact that the Bible tells us we will enter heaven signifies that it is a real place. Those of us who have been clothed with the righteousness of Jesus, do the will of the Father, exercise childlike faith, and refrain from idolatry will enter heaven.
3. We are supposed to be storing up treasures for ourselves in heaven (Matthew 6:20).
It is so easy to prioritize our current pleasure and disregard God’s call for us to live in holiness. But Jesus instructs us to live according to His standard and to discipline ourselves for godliness. In this way, He says that we are storing up treasures for ourselves in heaven. The sacrifices we make now for the good of the kingdom and the glory of God are worthwhile because we are building up real treasures for eternity in the real place called heaven.

4. We will eat at a table with other believers in heaven (Matthew 8:11).
Jesus taught that believers will gather together to recline at the table with the forefathers of the faith, including Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Heaven is a real place where we will eat and drink real food and beverages together with our fellow believers.
5. Our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20).
Paul explains that the true citizenship of all believers is in heaven. We as followers of Jesus live in this world, but we are not of this world. We are primarily citizens of heaven, and we are acting as God’s ambassadors here on earth while we are still alive. But when we die, we will go to our true and permanent homeland.
6. Our hope is laid up for us in heaven (Colossians 1:5).
Jesus came down from heaven, lived a perfect life, died, rose again, and then ascended back into heaven. He is the only Authority who knows exactly what heaven is like. He is the only Way to heaven, and He is the hope that we have for eternal life. Because Jesus resurrected from the dead, we too will resurrect from the dead one day. And when we do, we will live in heaven according to the hope that has been laid up for us there.
7. Believers go to paradise with Jesus when they die (Luke 23:42).
As Jesus was hanging on the cross, one of the thieves hanging next to Him recognized Jesus as Lord. Upon his profession of faith, Jesus promised him that he would join Him in paradise that same day. Heaven is a real place that believers go to when they die. It is a perfect paradise where we enjoy the presence of our Lord forevermore.
8. Heaven is where Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of God (Acts 7:55, Hebrews 8:1, 9:24).
Jesus has gone before us into heaven. He is our perfect High Priest who has appeared in the Father’s presence on our behalf. He was the permanent and acceptable Sacrifice who has been exalted as King and is seated at the right hand of God. Heaven is the real place where Jesus currently dwells as He watches over us and waits for us to enter into His presence.

9. Our inheritance is kept in heaven for us (1 Peter 1:4).
We have a great inheritance awaiting us in the real place of heaven. This inheritance is imperishable, unspoiled, and untainted by sin. It is enduring, and it is specifically reserved for us. Our inheritance is a glorious and beautiful state of existence according to God’s perfect design. It is a life free of suffering where we will live eternally as we perfectly enjoy God’s presence.
10. Heaven is a dazzling re-creation of perfect and sinless beauty where we enjoy God’s presence for all of eternity (Revelation 21-22).
God has prepared a beautiful and perfect place for His church. This place, heaven, is the restoration and re-creation of the world. In this place, God will dwell with His people forever, and there will be no more sin or suffering. It is an enormous city with dazzling stones and pearls decorating the foundations and the gates and streets made of gold. It is a place of pure blessing where the curse of sin has been wiped away. Heaven is where believers will enjoy the riches of grace, the kindness of Jesus, and the final fulfillment of all of the promises that are yes in Jesus.
Believers in Jesus Christ have the hope of the wonderful blessing of heaven. It is a real place where we will exist in perfect unity and without sin. The blessings of heaven are beyond our comprehension. But it is not the only place that is real. Unbelievers who have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior will not be exalted to heaven when they die.
Rather, they will be brought down to hell where there is endless torment (Revelation 14:11) and the “punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His might” (2 Thessalonians 1:9). The gospel alone gives us the hope and assurance of heaven. It is a real place, and we have access to it only through the blood of Jesus shed on our behalf.
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