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12 Mar 2025



Tips for Doing Daily Devotionals

We as Christians know that we are supposed to read our Bibles, but it is often hard to know exactly how to do that. We feel overwhelmed, and we struggle to understand exactly how the characters and events from thousands of years ago apply to…


Does God Want Me to Suffer?

We all know that God is good. And we know that He exercises sovereign and complete control over everything. But if He is good and in control, why does He allow us to suffer?Does He cause our suffering or want us to suffer? Sometimes, it…


Is Satan a Real Person?

In the West, we often have the mentality that “seeing is believing.” Evolutionary theory entered into the popular sphere about two centuries ago, and since then, we have become a materially oriented culture. And in recent decades, we have seen Hinduism become more prevalent as…


What Does the Bible Say About Anxiety?

Life is demanding. And it seems like there is pressure everywhere we turn. We have deadlines at work, relational stresses, and financial strains. We struggle with our health, and we have so many commitments to balance. We have no free time, we worry that we…


If God is in Control, Then Why Do We Have to Pray?

As Christians, we believe that God is sovereign, that He has control over everything that happens. Not even a sparrow may fall to the ground without His permission (Matthew 10:29). His sovereign plan for the entire universe was laid out before the beginning of time,…