Why do Christians Feel Lonely?
We are living in the middle of a loneliness epidemic. Christians in the West have long since lived in a culture of individualism, which is the breeding ground for loneliness. But with the digital socialization trends of the past couple of decades and the recent…
Can Christians Celebrate Halloween?
The question of whether or not to celebrate Halloween is a matter of personal conviction rather than a clear biblical command. Many Christians believe it is okay to celebrate Halloween. And many Christians believe it is not okay to celebrate Halloween. Both arguments make valid…
Can Christians Get Tattoos?
Tattoos were once very taboo in Christian circles. But many Christians in recent years have analyzed Scripture and come to the conclusion that getting tattoos is permissible. The Word of God does not explicitly prohibit tattoos, but there are a few passages that Christians should…
Can Christians be Cremated?
The Bible does not explicitly mandate what should happen to the bodies of believers when they die. It elevates neither burial nor cremation as superior. Some Christians have rejected cremation due to respect for the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, the expectation…
Why Do Christians Worship on Sunday?
In the Old Testament, the people of God recognized Saturday as the holy day of rest. From sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday, God’s followers refrained from working. Their express intent was to follow the example of God Himself, who created for six days…
Can Christians Marry Non-Christians?
In the modern West, we don’t often approach dating with marriage in mind. Christians and non-Christians alike often date purely because of a mutually felt chemistry or physical attraction. Christians might meet non-Christians who are sweet, kind, and hard-working. They might even live morally good…