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12 Mar 2025



Does Christianity Teach Reincarnation?

We often find ourselves curious about death. We know that everyone who has gone before us has faced death, and we know that one day we, too, will face death. But it seems that the only ones who could answer the looming question of “What…


Is It Okay for Christians to Swear?

Jesus saves people from all sorts of walks of life. He saves bankers and sailors, pilots and construction workers, high schoolers and hard criminals. Some Christians are more inclined to swear than others, but are Christians allowed to swear? In order to answer this question,…


Are Christians Allowed to Eat Pork?

In the Old Testament, God laid out specific dietary rules for His people, and this included a prohibition of consuming pork. Leviticus 11:7 says, “And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean for you.”…


Are Christians Allowed to Smoke?

According to an article called “Smoking” by Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser that was updated in 2022 by Our World In Data from the University of Oxford, nearly a quarter of the world’s population smokes tobacco. This is a significant number of smokers. But while…


Do Animals Go to Heaven When They Die?

There are a wide variety of interpretations regarding the eternal future of animals. While there are many Bible verses that depict animals in the new heavens and new earth, there is much debate about whether or not they will be the same animals that we…


Does the Bible Approve of Slavery?

The Bible neither expressly approves nor condemns the practice of slavery, and many people wonder why this is the case. Slaveholders in the past misused the Bible to justify the trans-Atlantic slave trade. And they appealed to several verses in the Bible to excuse away…