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12 Mar 2025

Author: admin


Do Animals Go to Heaven When They Die?

There are a wide variety of interpretations regarding the eternal future of animals. While there are many Bible verses that depict animals in the new heavens and new earth, there is much debate about whether or not they will be the same animals that we…


Does the Bible Approve of Slavery?

The Bible neither expressly approves nor condemns the practice of slavery, and many people wonder why this is the case. Slaveholders in the past misused the Bible to justify the trans-Atlantic slave trade. And they appealed to several verses in the Bible to excuse away…


Did Jesus Claim to Be God?

According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is fully God and fully man. He is the Mediator between God and humanity, and He is the only Path to salvation. But did Jesus even claim to be God? In this article, we will discover that Jesus not only…


What Does Christianity Teach About Environmentalism?

Christians have varying interpretations of biblical passages that address the relationship between people and the environment. But there are several points that Christians as a whole agree on, and there are some general biblical themes that should guide Christians in their actions and attitudes regarding…


How Can I Know I Am a Christian?

The Bible teaches in John 14:6 that Jesus is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” He alone provides salvation, and believing in Him is the only path to heaven. Being a Christian means being a Christ follower. But how can we know that we…


How to Forgive Someone Who Did You Wrong

When someone does us wrong, we feel hurt, angry, and betrayed. But as Christians, we know that we are called to “forgive those who trespass against us” (Matthew 6:12). And just a couple of verses later we learn that “if we do not forgive others,…


What Is Christian Nationalism?

Christian nationalism is an ideology in the political sphere that binds together Christianity with American identity. But Christian nationalism means different things for different people. In general, there are two broad points of view for defining Christian nationalism:      1. The responsibility of every…


What Is a Good Morning Routine for Christian Women?

Some women hear their alarm go off and hop out of bed right away, ready to face the day. Other women hit the snooze button five or six times before dragging themselves out of bed. As a Christian woman, your morning routine might look different…


Why do Christians Feel Lonely?

We are living in the middle of a loneliness epidemic. Christians in the West have long since lived in a culture of individualism, which is the breeding ground for loneliness. But with the digital socialization trends of the past couple of decades and the recent…


Can Christians Celebrate Halloween?

The question of whether or not to celebrate Halloween is a matter of personal conviction rather than a clear biblical command. Many Christians believe it is okay to celebrate Halloween. And many Christians believe it is not okay to celebrate Halloween. Both arguments make valid…