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12 Mar 2025

Author: admin


A Hunger for God by John Piper Book Summary by Holy Reads

A Hunger for God by John Piper outlines the biblical teaching on fasting from food and shows us the right and wrong ways of approaching the subject. The reader is encouraged in multiple ways to incorporate fasting into their spiritual walk.  You can grow in…


(A)Typical Woman by Abigail Dodds Book Summary by Holy Reads

(A)Typical Woman by Abigail Dodds encourages women to embrace their womanhood as God designed. Womanhood is holistic, has purpose, and is needed by the world. God intentionally designed women and equipped them to transform the world when they follow His plan. Is femininity a trait…


Do Muslims Believe in the Same God as Christianity?

Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic religions, which means that they both believe in one God. The name of the god of Islam is Allah, and the God of Christianity has revealed Himself as “I AM.” Christianity believes that I AM is the unique, all-powerful,…


Did Jesus Have Siblings?

According to the testimony of the New Testament authors, Jesus was born of a virgin woman named Mary as a result of the work of the Holy Spirit. He was raised by His mother and His earthly father, Joseph. Scripture is clear that Mary remained…


Who Wrote the Bible?

The Bible was written over a span of more than 1,500 years on three continents by more than 40 authors who were directed by God to record His Word. Thus, the Bible has both human and divine authorship. Second Peter 1:20-21 makes it clear “that…

God's existence

How do We Know that God Exists?

In the modern world, it is often hard to know what is true. Many people claim that truth is completely relative and that every individual determines what is true for themselves. But the question of the existence of God cannot be relative. He either exists…


Do Christians Believe in Evolution?

Francis Bacon once wisely said, “God has, in fact, written two books, not just one. Of course, we are all familiar with the first book he wrote, namely Scripture. But He has written a second book called creation.” The Christian community is divided on the…


Do Christians Believe in Dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs are a topic of much fascination for kids and adults alike. It is fun to imagine their sizes and colors and what it would have been like to see them walk on the earth. Kids have dinosaur birthday parties and adults watch dinosaur movies….