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12 Mar 2025

Author: admin


Kingdom Man by Tony Evans Book Summary by Holy Reads

Kingdom Man by Tony Evans calls men to take up authority in the family, church, and community. We find here a clear vision of how to do that. Step up and be the man God made you to be by taking authority in the ways…

Christian Faith

Desiring God by John Piper Book Summary by Holy Reads

Desiring God by John Piper explores compelling reasons to approach a relationship with God by enjoying Him rather than just dutifully serving Him. The Bible provides a foundation for seeking our joy in this life, and more so in the next, by glorifying and desiring…

Christian Faith

Radical by David Platt Book Summary by Holy Reads

Radical by David Platt presents the differences between the true gospel and modern misrepresentations. The modern American church has been lulled to sleep with a false understanding of the gospel, and any return to the true teaching of Jesus will require radical change from the…